Quarterly Update: Q4 2018

2018 has been a year of tremendous change for me and subsequently for my investment portfolio. that being said I am going to attempt to cover the pertinent information here and go more in-depth in the future.

Income Streams Created

The largest change of the past year was setting up my income streams. When I stopped working for the old company I moved everything in my 401k over to an IRA. My 401k contained the bulk of my invested money so this move allowed me to tailor almost all of my accounts to start producing income. This gives me the ability to go beyond calculations and to see exactly where I am as far as income is concerned.

Roth IRA Opened

During this past quarter, I opened my first Roth IRA account. I highly encourage everyone who qualifies to open a Roth IRA if you are interested in post-tax investing. Maxing out your 401k is the best possible route for tax-free investing however I have some post-tax investments so that funds are available in the case of an emergency. I have started moving some of these investments over to the Roth IRA to save on taxes. 

Goal Shifting

During this quarter I took some time to evaluate the current set of goals for my retirement, including the idea of retirement itself. I will be covering that more in depth in the coming weeks.


Income Streams 

Below is the quarterly performance for Q4 2018. Total pretax income increased quarter-on-quarter by almost 9% which translates into over 2.27% of the total goal income after taxes. At that rate of growth reaching the target goal for monthly passive income will take just under 8 years.

Q3 2018 Income
Q4 2018 Income

Account #1
Account #2
Account #3
Account #4


Total Post Tax

Post Tax % of Goal
Hopefully, I can continue the uptrend of increasing income as the new year progresses. Happy New Year everyone and happy investing. 
